Thursday, June 5, 2008

Update on Allie

Monday we took Allie to the Nephrologist and still the most common treatment for urine reflux is to take a low dose antibiotic everyday to prevent infection. So this is what we will do and have been doing since she got the UTI a month ago. If she has a break through infection then Allie will probably have to have the procedure done. The best news is that Allie has been very pleasant for the last few days. I don't know if it's that she is getting older or if God is answering my prayer for mercy. Either way I will give God the glory!!!!!!! Thank you, Lord!


Tiffany said...

Poor Allie! I will be praying for her. Thank the Lord, we can depend on Him for healing and patience. The Lord knows we moms need extra patience and mercy during difficult situations.

Michelle said...

that's great news! praying she does well with her treatment.

kamie said...

Glad to hear Allie is feeling better, or God knew you could not take any more. Hopefully it is a little of both. Talk to you soon.

Shannon said...

Oh Liz! I am so sorry to hear about this, but I'm SO glad that you have a diagnosis, and that it's fairly easy to correct... We will be praying for you all!

Shannon said...

PS - We know about those high-maintenance babies!! I just think the Lord must have some amazing plans for these kiddos to give them such determined personalities! Try to think of that when things get really rough! ;o)